There's been a lot of talk about hand care recently, hand sanitizers to be precise - how they work, how effective they are, what percentage of alcohol should they have and so on. We've taken upon our hands to debunk 5 common myths about sanitizers to set the record straight on this everyday sidekick for the new normal. Ready?

Myth 1: Hand sanitizers don’t need to be applied all over your hands Hand sanitizers work only if they're spread all over your hands and rubbed in until completely dry. Always check the back of the label to make sure you're using them correctly. However, a good rule of the thumb is to spray it 3-4 times. Myth 2: Hand sanitizers cause antibiotic resistance A common myth about hand sanitizers is they can cause antibiotic resistance. The truth is that antibiotics are ingested, and they operate completely differently than alcohol-based hand sanitizers. The alcohol quickly kills a broad spectrum of germs, and it is not left behind on your skin to let the germs become resistant. Myth 3: All hand sanitizers dry out your hands In contrast to popular belief, this is not true. In fact, our HAAN Pocket doesn’t dry out your hands. Thanks to our natural ingredient formula with Aloe Vera, our hand sanitizer hydrates your hands while killing off 99.99% of viruses and bacteria.
Myth 4: Hand sanitizers works just as well as soap and water.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are convenient because they kill a huge number of germs on your hands when you're on the go without the need to use soap and water. However, unlike soap and water, hand sanitizer does not clean the dirt and residue accumulated during the day.
Myth 5: Hand sanitizers smell like hospitals It may be a hand sanitizer but nowadays it doesn’t need to feel like one. We take special pride in our three HAAN Pocket collections with a wide variety of beautifully scented hand sanitizer that feel more like a perfume than a hand sanitizer. Make it a ritual, not a chore!