#07 Kalembo


After a hard year due to the outburst of COVID-19 global pandemic, we've managed to continue working on our social purpose: creating underground wells to help developing communities have access to clean water. 

In contrast to former wells, we were unable to visit Kalembo village due to lockdown restrictions in our hometown of Barcelona (Spain). However, when our partners from Benga Mission informed us about the scarcity and poor water conditions Kalembo's community was living under, we decided to take action despite the obstacles. 

By now, we are well aware that public health depends on secure water resources for all. We needed to act not only to control COVID-19, but to create a more resilient community by addressing the root problems of water insecurity.

Women and girls living in Kalembo had to walk 5 hours, taking time away from their studies and jobs, to fetch water for their families.

Additionally, the water they managed to bring back to their homes was usually dirty and lacked clarity to be drinkable - which meant the appearance of health issues and bad hygiene in general. Our help was urgent. 

Thanks to your contribution, a couple of months a go we started drilling the boreholes for Kalembo's water well. We are happy to announce that last week construction was finalized and Kalembo's community celebrated singing and dancing. 

The people from this community have expressed their eternal gratitude. Something so simple as water, has completely changed their lives for the better. 

We can't wait to visit and celebrate Kalembo's water well in our next trip to Malawi!

Thank you for being part of our #Watercreator Community. 


We care about the people and the planet. That’s why our purpose revolves around the water crisis. Every time you purchase HAAN you are supporting this statement, as we donate part of our profits to support clean water projects.